Monday, February 28, 2011

A potter trying to survive in this economy.

So I've been told that one of the ways to survive as a craftsmen in today's world it to start a blog. As you have probably noticed I started my blog several months ago and then abandoned it only to be told again and again that a blog is a useful tool and I should pay attention to it regularly. I'm a baby boomer so all this tech stuff is foreign to me. I'm used to the face to face communication but what the hell........I will give it a shot and hopefully it will pay off.

Here is a short version of my story. I've been a potter for 35 years. For 25 years I have done crafts shows to make my living. As my work got better I got into better more expensive shows. It was good for a while but then the economy tanked and the sales were barely covering expenses. I wanted to find another avenue to sell my work so we decided to sell our house in Cary, NC and found four and half acres just outside of Durham boardering the Eno State Park. Here we are close to downtown and enough space for customer parking. To keep costs down we used existing structures. The tractor shed became my studio and a tall shed that housed travel trailor became my kiln shed. We have a great start.