Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I love my iris....


We got up early to work in cooler temperatures and got four of the six posts set. We'll tackle the last two this evening after supper.....when it's cooler out. The temperatures this week are in the 90's.

Instead of mixing the cement in the wheel borrow we poured it dry into the holes and added water.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Old shed is down

While Pete was at work and the temperature wasn't that bad I took down the rest of the old kiln shed. Now all we have to do is cut down the posts. I was able to salvage most of the materials.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Taking down the old kiln shed.

The old kiln shed was an existing building that cover a travel trailer. We are tearing it down and salvaging what we can to build the new shed. It looks like we will have a lot of materials.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Salt kiln is down......

We have disassembled the salt kiln and salvaged most of the materials for the next kiln which is going to save a lot of money which we can put toward the new gallery.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Taking out the bag wall...

It's toast!

Tearing down the old kiln...

We are tearing down the old kiln to salvage what we can for the new kiln. Looks like we can use all the brick from the old chimney. Yeah!!!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Slab is poured....

So the first stage of the project is done. It will need five days to cure. We put the canapy back over it again to keep out the rain and the fencing to keep out our dogs. The next step is to dismantle the old kiln and see what usable materials we have before making the list for the rest.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ready for the concrete...

I've got the plastic down and old fencing in place. The fencing is to keep the slab from cracking. I've placed my show tent over the project to keep it dry before and after the slab is poured.

Building a Kiln

We finally got passed all spring show obligations and its now time to build our new kiln. We want it closer to the studio.....current kiln shed is 150 feet from the studio. We used existing structures to set up shop when we first moved here.......the old tractor shed became my wonderful little studio and the Winnebago shelter toward the back of our property covers the old salt kiln.

The new kiln will be for cone 10 reduction. We wanted a kiln that lasted longer, was cheaper to fire and Pete wants to experiment with glazes.

So here starts the building of the kiln.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Garden is in...

My back hurts but I will enjoy the spoils of my labor.

Cicadas in force

Damn! There are so many this year that. They are the 13 year cicadas and have be arriving for several days now.