Saturday, March 5, 2011

Catch and release program.....

This is Bud.....sometimes Cuddle Bud.....most time Bud Hole. Bud showed up in our neighborhood 8 years ago. We took him in because if was December and very cold. Because he was feral for a while and we had another cat, Amee, he had the nasty habit of "marking" the house so we restricted him to the studio where he doesn't feel the need.
This week I have come to the studio in the morning to find feathers all over the floor, not yet dry pots on the shelves with running foot prints, other pots knocked onto the floor....non broken and a little bird still alive but FREAKED out. I think that Bud has discovered a new game. Catch a bird, bring it into the studio through the cat door and play catch and release all night.
This will!!

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