Monday, March 7, 2011

The shelter......

My mother in-law has given me her metal double carport. We have taken it down and our son helped us get it home and it is now in a pile behind the garden. We will be assembling it down by the Pin Oak tree toward the middle of our property. We have 4 1/2 acres that is 200 by 1000 feet that snugs up to the Eno State Park on the northwest side of Durham. We are just about 100 feet outside the city limits. The shelter...(Pete doesn't want me to call it a carport it's a shelter....) is 18 by 40 feet and will be used mainly for our craft shows. We can fit 8-10 exhibitors under it. We want our shows to be small.

So now that we have decided where we are going to put it it's time to erect it.

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