Thursday, March 31, 2011

Good news....bad news.

I teach at the Crafts Center at NCSU. The class this time is "Light it up" and we are making items that hold a candle or lamp oil. Last nights demo was outside lanterns in three parts which because of the humidity I was not able to finish......too wet. The thrown examples I gathered up and stuffed in a bag because it would be easier to just rethrow them at home. The hand build one I carefully placed in a box with plastic and nestled it in the front seat of my car. Well, it made it home safe and sound. That was the good news.

The bad news.......the first hand built lantern I was making yesterday for class was too big so I turned it into a birdhouse. I left it on the slab roller to dry till this morning. While lifting it up to place it in a safer location to shelf.....the lid tumbled off onto the floor. That meant that the base had to go as well. I'll start over.

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